Safer Neighbourhoods Stronger Communities

Useful acronyms

Initials Meaning
 ACG  Anti-Counterfeiting Group
 ACOSVO  Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisations
 ACPO  Association of Chief Police Officers
 ADS  Advice Direct Scotland
 AF  Action Fraud (police dept.)
 AGM  Annual General Meeting
 ANI  Action Needed Immediately (re domestic abuse)
 ASA  Advertising Standards Authority
 ASNW  Association of Scottish Neighbourhood Watches
 BSC  Building Safer Communities
 BTHA  British Toy & Hobby Association
 BWV  Body Worn Video (cameras)
 CAB  Citizens Advice Bureau (England)
 CAS  Citizens Advice Scotland
 CIFAS  Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System
 CITES  Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
 CoLP  City of London Police
 CPP  Crime Prevention Panels
 CPT  Community Policing Team
 CRA  Credit Reference Agencies
 CSP  Community Safety Partnerships
 CTSI  Chartered Trading Standards Institute
 DCMS  Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (government)
 EAFO  European Anti-Fraud Office (also referred as OLAF)
 ELPARC  East Lothian Partnership Against Rural Crime
 ESF  Electrical Safety First
 FCA  Financial Conduct Authority
 FIND  Fraud Investigations Database
 GAIN  Gone Away Information Network (now part of CIFAS)
 GHQ  Glasgow Health Questionnaire
 HES  Home Energy Scotland (part of Energy Saving Trust)
 HMCTS  HM Courts & Tribunals Service
 HMRC  Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (Tax)
 IPO  Intellectual Property Office
 KSB  Keeping Scotland Beautiful
 LPARC  Local Partnership Against Rural Crime
 MAS  Money Advice Service
 MOU  Memorandum of Understanding
 MPARC  Midlothian Partnership Against Rural Crime
 NCA  National Crime Agency
 NCC  National Consumer Council
 NCSC  National Cyber Security Centre
 NFIB  National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (hosted by CoLP)
 NPCC  National Police Chiefs Council
 NSPCC  National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
 NSPLG  National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group
 NWC  Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
 NWS  Neighbourhood Watch Scotland
 OFIG  Organised Fraud & Intelligence Group
 ONS  Office of National Statistics
 OPSS  Office for Product Safety and Standards
 OSCR  Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator
 PCT  Priority Crime Team
 PIPCU  Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (part of City of London Police)
 PKCW  Perth & Kinross Community Watch
 PS  Police Scotland
 PSYV  Police Scotland Young Volunteers
 RCS  Rural Crime Strategy
 RoSPA  Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
 RPAS  Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (drone)
 RSSPCC  Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (now Children 1st)
 SAMH  Scottish Association for Mental Health
 SARN  Scottish Alcohol Research Network
 SAUG  Scottish Alert Users Group
 SBRC  Scottish Business Resilience Centre
 SCIO  Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation
 SCSN  Scottish Community Safety Network
 SCSS  Safer Communities Safer Scotland (Booklet)
 SCVO  Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
 SEO  Search Engine Optimisation
 SEPA  Scottish Environment Protection Agency
 SFRS  Scottish Fire & Rescue Services
 SG  Scottish Government
 SGN  Scottish Gas Networks
 SGoRDS  Scottish Government Resilience Development Service
 SHAAP  Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems
 SIMLU  Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unit
 SIPR  Scottish Institute for Policing Research
 SOCG  Serious Organised Crime Groups
 SPAP  Suicide Prevention Action Plan
 SPARC  Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime
 SSPCA  Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
 SVE  Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise
 SWF  Scottish Welfare Fund
 TayPARC  Tayside Partnership Against Rural Crime
 TSI  Third Sector Interface
 TSS  Trading Standards Scotland
 TW  Taxi Watch (also Travel Watch)
 UAV  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone)
 VHS  Voluntary Health Scotland
 VSRP  Voluntary Sector Resilience Partnership
 VSS  Victim Support Scotland
 WIEPCG  Western Isles Emergency Planning and Coordination Group
 SRA  Scottish Rural Action
 SIF  Scottish Islands Federation
 SSE  South of Scotland Enterprise
 DAPO  Domestic Abuse Protection Order
 PHS  Public Health Scotland
 SCTS  Scottish Courts & Tribunal Service
 CJS  Criminal Justice System or Services (council run)
 SHCG  Scottish Heritage Crime Group (part of PS)
 SIN  Stop It Now! Scotland, child protection charity
 DONM  Date of Next Meeting
 SGSSG  Scottish Government Scams Strategy Group
 TFN  Third Force News (news from SCVO for charities & voluntary organsiations)
 CIP  ????
 NASUG  Neighbourhood Alert Scotland Users Group
 FVFHG  Forth Valley Financial Harm Group
 TEC  ????
 STEP  landlord/owner of NWS office?
 PSR  Priority Services Register in Scotland
 CiSP  The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership – joint industry/government initiative
 CPRD  Convention on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations – Scots Law??)
 ASB  Anti-Social Behaviour
 UNCRC  United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Scot Parliament March 2021)
 CYCJ  Children & Young Peoples Centre for Justice
 HSS  Home Safety Scotland
 FLEX  Focus on Labour Exploitation