The Village Kitchen – Dollar

About 9 News 9 The Village Kitchen – Dollar

Every day, in every community across our small island, there are fabulous people doing amazing things. People who shun the limelight, who care about others and who want to spread hope and kindness. Saw a notable example today at Dollar – The Village Kitchen is a not-for-profit org with over fifty volunteers, creating and delivering meals on wheels across Clacks, Forth Valley, Perth and Kinross. They deliver meals Tuesday and Friday (as many as needed) with an in-person lunch club at Dollar Hive on a Thursday, (free transportation within Dollar and Muckhart). YOU GUYS ARE TRULY AMAZING - THANK YOU

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Safer Communities Booklet

The booklet is packed with tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe.

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The Hive – Dollar

The Hive – Dollar

Watching people chatting, connecting, sharing worries and happy stories, painting and crafting was just heart-warming. WE NEED...

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