Safer Neighbourhoods Stronger Communities

Community Safety Event – The Gyle Shopping Centre, Edinburgh

Earlier today the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland team joined colleagues from Police Scotland Edinburgh Prevention, Intervention Partnerships Department at the Gyle Shopping Centre, Edinburgh for a Community Safety Event.

The event was initially arranged to be held in the open at Princes Street Gardens, however due to the adverse weather conditions had to be changed at short notice. Apologies to anyone who travelled to Princes Street hoping to see us there unaware of the last minute changes.
During the event we highlighted the benefits of communities getting involved in Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Schemes and signing up to Neighbourhood Alert, whilst officers were able to provide helpful information and advice around scams, property and vehicle security, theft, and personal safety.
A huge thank you to everyone who stopped to speak to us, to our Police colleagues for inviting us along and to the Gyle Shopping Centre for allowing us to hold the event at very short notice.
For more security and safety information and advice visit the Police Scotland Website