BT Digital Voice information events – Glenrothes, Bathgate and Musselburgh

About 9 News 9 BT Digital Voice information events – Glenrothes, Bathgate and Musselburgh

On behalf of BT Digital Voice programme, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Team will be at the following locations at the dates and times detailed:

Tuesday 28th January (1030 hours -1330 hours)
Rothes Halls, Kingdom Shopping Centre, Glenrothes, KY7 5NX.


Wednesday 29th January (1030 hours – 1330 hours)
Jim Walker Partnership Centre (Room 11), South Bridge Street, Bathgate, EH48 1TS


Thursday 30th January (1030 hours – 1330 hours)
Fisherrow Centre (Events Hall – Room F15), South Street, Musselburgh, East Lothian, EH21 6AT.


At this time, they will be explaining what is happening as part of the change over to the new digital telephone network. Please take this opportunity to come along, find out more and to ask any questions you may have before the change over happens in your area.


We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about Neighbourhood Watch, improving neighbourliness and creating stronger communities.


Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there. If you need more information on the BT Digital Voice Programme, please follow the link

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