BHS Ayrshire Trailer Safety Day – Ayr

About 9 News 9 BHS Ayrshire Trailer Safety Day – Ayr

We had a brilliant day yesterday at T.H Jenkinson, Ayr for the BHS Ayrshire Trailer Safety Day with colleagues from the Ayrshire Partnership Against Rural Crime (APARC).

It was an extremely informative and engaging day covering pre-travel checks & safety equipment, legislation/training, hitching up and unhitching safely, crime prevention (SPARC) and large animal rescue.
Many thanks to T.H. Jenkinson for hosting the event and to everyone who came along making it such a fabulous day. We know how busy you are. It was great to see the interest in the free Neighbourhood Alert, helping to keep communities informed and connected.

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Safer Communities Booklet

The booklet is packed with tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe.

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