Last week there were a number of reports in Duns of a male acting suspiciously near to residential properties and that a number of items had been stolen from inside the front door.
We would remind residents across the Borders to follow our home and vehicle security advice:
Home Security
Many thieves are actually opportunists who do not have to break in at all because a door or window has been left open or unlocked.
Please remember to ensure that your doors and windows are locked at all times and are fitted with good quality locks.
Try to make sure that no valuables are on display.
The rear of the property is often targeted, so having high (1.8m) rear garden fencing and locked gates are recommended.
Security Lighting and CCTV (including doorbell CCTV) can also be effective deterrents.
Vehicle Security
Use a steering lock – a visible deterrent to thieves.
If your vehicle has keyless entry use a Faraday pouch / metal tin to prevent relay theft.
Do not leave keys close to windows / doors – this aids relay theft and physical theft of the keys.
If you have a private driveway / parking space, consider fitting a parking bollard.
Fit a lock to the vehicles On Board Diagnostic (OBD) port to prevent thieves easily re-programming a new key.
Use a pedal box – these specially designed boxes fit over the drive pedals and lock in place when the vehicle is not in use.
Physically check doors are locked before leaving your vehicle and don’t leave valuables within.
Trackers can assist in the recovery of stolen vehicles – check if your vehicle has one and how to obtain information if it is required.
If you see any suspicious activity on or near your property, then please contact Police Scotland immediately using 999 if the incident is ongoing, otherwise call 101.
Always consider your personal safety and do not put yourself at risk by confronting suspicious persons.
For further detailed advice on how to keep yourself and property safe please visit the Police Scotland Website. Home Security –