Police Scotland North West update

About 9 Alert 9 Police Scotland North West update



This week, the North West Command area is sharing a roundup video with highlights from the best community activities that took place over the last months.


Community officers, supported by other departments within Police Scotland, do an incredible job to be involved with the people living in you area. This is just a little sample of the engagement provided to all members of the public.


Click on the link to start watching:




Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland’s diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Our public engagement activities help us improve how we deliver our policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible for everyone.


If you want to give us your opinion or ideas, please take part of the Your Police survey 2024/25. Click on the link below:

Your Police 2024-2025 – Police Scotland – Citizen Space


Kind regards,

PC Tancredi

E Division – Engagement Officer


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