Lambing Season

About 9 Alert 9 Lambing Season

🐑 Lambing season is under way in Scotland’s countryside, and you may see young lambs or pregnant sheep.

🦮  Dog owners and walkers are reminded to keep dogs under proper control when walking in urban or rural area near livestock. Livestock worrying and attacks may result in injury, miscarriage or even death and as the dog owner it’s your responsibility.

If you do not control your dog properly near livestock you risk prosecution. Protection of Livestock (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 
provides powers to Police Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service to investigate and enforce those who allow 
dogs to become out of control in the countryside. The Act allows the courts to issue penalties, including a fine of £40,000, 
disqualification from owning a dog, or a 12 month custodial sentence. 


Your Dog, Your Responsibility.


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