Border Union Show, Kelso

About 9 News 9 Border Union Show, Kelso

NWS had a fantastic time at the Border Union Show in Kelso today. A huge thank you to our partners at Police Scotland Scottish Borders and SPARC (Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime) who allowed us to share their stall.

The weather was lovely and we managed to speak with lots of members of the public to spread the word about Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, Rural Watch and Neighbourhood Alert.
It was great to hear that some of the people we spoke with are already part of their local watch and many have signed up to receive Alerts too.

Communities throughout the country are working hard to keep themselves safe and for more information on how NWS can help to achieve this, please take a look at our website.

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Safer Communities Booklet

The booklet is packed with tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe.

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