CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS CONFERENCE 27 February 2025– Ayrshire College, Kilmarnock

About 9 Alert 9 CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS CONFERENCE 27 February 2025– Ayrshire College, Kilmarnock

Police Scotland would like to invite your organisation to attend a cyber security awareness conference on Thursday 27th February in Kilmarnock.

Cyber threats continue to expand in number and sophistication.  Hackers, organised crime and state-sponsored criminals are continually attempting to access personal information, bank accounts, intellectual property, and critical national data and to disrupt our public services.

Cyber resilience is about our preparedness to meet a cyber risk, and how well equipped we are to withstand and defend against, manage, recover quickly and learn from cyber incidents.

The Cyber Security Awareness Conference will provide a knowledge and awareness of risk and threat, access to guidance, tools and resources and the management of cyber security incidents.


To register your interest please complete the attached Registration Form, and return to the email address provided ASAP.

Registration opens from 0900 hours with the event commencing at 0930 hours.  Tea/coffee and a light lunch which will be provided. 


The event will close around 1530 hours. 


Sent on behalf of,

PC Ian Robertson, CTLO, Emergency Planning Liaison Officer, Kilmarnock Police Office, St Marnock Street, Kilmarnock.


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