BT Digital Voice Information Event – Carnoustie

About 9 News 9 BT Digital Voice Information Event – Carnoustie

The Neighbourhood Watch Scotland team were at Carnoustie today delivering a BT Digital Voice event. We had a fabulous day speaking to people from the local community about the switch to Digital Voice. Thanks to those who came along, we hope the information was helpful.

Just a reminder we will be visiting Grangemouth tomorrow Thursday 20th March between 10.30am and 1.30pm for our next BT Digital Voice event. If you are in the area and have a question, please come along to Grangemouth Community Education Unit (May Morrow Hall), Abbots Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8JB where you can speak to the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland team.

Look forward to seeing you there.

If you wish more information on the BT Digital Voice Programme, please follow the link Digital Voice | Digital Home Phone | BT

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