16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

About 9 News 9 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland (NWS) are participating in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. An international campaign, which starts today (25 November) with the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

On 25 November 1960, three sisters from the Dominican Republic were beaten to death and dumped at the bottom of a cliff by the then President’s secret police on the 25th of November 1960. The Mirabel sisters who had been activists, actively opposed the cruelty and systematic violence of the Trujillo dictatorship becoming symbols of the feminist resistance. In commemoration of their deaths, 25 November was declared International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Latin America in 1980. This international day was formally recognised by the United Nations in 1999.

Although lasting 16 days the purpose of the campaign is to be a springboard for the other 349 days of the year. Imagine a Scotland without Gender-Based Violence. Violence against women is not inevitable; it is preventable. To end violence against women, we need to challenge the attitudes that perpetuate, rationalise and normalise that violence, and deny women’s right to safety.

White Ribbon Day on the 25th of November coincides with the start of 16 days as men’s commitment to ending violence against women and girls.

On Tuesday 26th November NWS staff will be attending Waverley Railway Station, Edinburgh, along with partners from White Ribbon Scotland, Network Rail, Scotrail, British Transport Police Scotland, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, for a joint event to highlight White Ribbon Scotland and support the 33rd year of the 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

If you are in the area, please come along it would be great to see you.

Find out more about support networks in your area and the services that exist include:

Scottish Women’s Aid domestic abuse support for women and children and young people

Rape Crisis Scotland | Working to end sexual violence

Shakti Women’s Aid support for black and minority ethnic women

FearFree for any man or LGBTQI+ person experiencing domestic abuse

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