In recent weeks NFUS (National Farmers Union Scotland) have seen a rise in quad bike thefts and vehicles from rural areas nationally.
These thefts greatly affect daily working practices and replacing them has a financial impact also.
Advice from Police Scotland’s Rural, Acquisitive and Business Preventions Team (RAB-PT) is to ensure that owners of such vehicles are made aware that thieves are active currently and to stress to them that all steps are taken to keep your quad or ATV safe and secure.
Below are some crime prevention tips to use when thinking of securing machinery.
•Fit immobilisation and tracking systems
•When the quad is not in use, remove the keys and store well away from the vehicle.
•Use clamps and locks to secure machinery
•Restrict access to farmyards, buildings, and sheds where possible
•Keep machinery out of sight of roadways where thieves’ scope for targets
•Consider outside lighting and CCTV to act as deterrent
•Record all serial numbers and take photographs
This list is in no way comprehensive but does provide some advice to aid you in securing your property.
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