Hare Coursing – Rural Crime

About 9 Alert 9 Hare Coursing – Rural Crime









Good afternoon all,


I just wanted to raise awareness in relation to an increase in hare coursing activity in the East Lothian area. I have been made aware of several suspicious incidents involving groups of persons accessing farmers fields and actively setting their dogs onto local wildlife. A number of reports include the use of vehicles parked discreetly off-road behind hedgerows. Hare coursing is the historical ‘sport’ of using lurcher/greyhound type dogs to chase and catch hares ultimately killing them in a fairly violent and unpleasant way. 


The use of dogs to hunt wild animals is an offence under S1. Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023. 


Can I ask that anyone who observes any suspcious or concerning behaviour in their local community please report the matter to Police. Registrations of offending vehicles is also of great benefit to the investigation. If the incident is ongoing then ‘999’ can be used. For incidents that have already occurred or to pass information on this can be done by phoning 101 or crimestoppers, using the ‘contactus’ link on Police Scotland’s website or by emailing lothianscotborderswildlife@scotland.police.uk 


Thank you


PC A Whitby 


Divisional Wildlife Crime Coordinator

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