Hi Everyone,
Following up from previous posts about scams I’d just like to highlight one in particular that has caught a few people out in Edinburgh, based around mobile phones and Whats App.
Basically, you’ll receive a text or Whats App message claiming to be from your son / daughter / family member claiming they’ve got a new phone and ultimately asking for you to transfer money to them.
The attached Scam Share document has more information on the fraud, how to avoid it and how to report it if you have been a victim.
I would highly recommend the Trading Standards Scam Share Bulletin for up-to-date scam information.
For further information on scams visit the Police Scotland website
or contact the local crime prevention team via
If you think you have been a victim of a scam report it to Police Scotland via ‘101’ (non-emergency) or the Contact Us form on the Police Scotland web site
If you would rather remain anonymous, you can report any incidents to
Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111 / www.crimestoppers-uk.org