We hope that you never have to use this page, but if you ever have something you feel should be dealt with through a complaints procedure, please follow the steps below.
If you have a complaint about the services of Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, please contact us as quickly as possible so that we can try to resolve your problem. We will try to find a solution that is satisfactory to all parties.
If you would like to submit a formal complaint about Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, please contact our Chair by using the form below or by letter, outlining the nature of your complaint. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 days.
Please address written correspondence as follows:
FAO The Chair
Neighbourhood Watch Scotland
Office 23, Enterprise House
Springkerse Business Park
Please direct e-mail correspondence as follows:
info@neighbourhoodwatchscotland.co.uk (Please use the subject line FAO The Chair: Complaint.)
If your complaint relates to a local Neighbourhood Watch Group or Association, we would ask you to direct it to the local representative of that Group. Neighbourhood Watch Scotland has no authority over the actions of local Neighbourhood Watch Groups and we do not have the power to investigate or take action in these cases, unless Neighbourhood Watch Scotland is directly involved.