It’s Sunday so time for a more reflective piece, let me know what you think. Hope your weekend is going well and thanks again for being part of ALERT.
We’ve had a busy time at NWS HQ including attending loads of events in Dundee, Glasgow, Kelso, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Bathgate and Lomond shores to name but a few. Getting out there and engaging face to face with people really matters, we’re a small team but determined to keep it real and human. Primarily we are promoting ALERT and NWS, in reality we end up talking to people about their lives and what matters to them. It’s very humbling what people share when you truly make yourself available. I was told once “you cannae help someone else without also helping yourself son”, I agree with that!
Community safety is much more than the absence of crime, it’s a holistic concept encompassing a sense of security, well-being, and belonging within a neighbourhood. It is a shared responsibility, requiring collaboration between statutory, voluntary and third sector organisations and (most importantly), us the community.
A safe community fosters trust, enabling residents to live without fear and engage fully in their surroundings, where children play freely, the elderly feel secure, and businesses thrive. This is nurtured by various factors, including effective policing, accessible healthcare, quality education, and economic opportunities. When these elements are in place, residents are more likely to feel connected each other and to their community, promoting a sense of shared ownership and responsibility
Oh aye almost forgot about that, sorry!! KISS is a well-established design principal Keep It Simple Stupid, demanding that complexity be avoided in preference for simplicity. At citizen level community safety is not rocket science, we can all help create it.
As we head into a new week consider doing a couple of KISS principal acts, simple things that will make a huge difference – Check in with a neighbour, say good morning, tidy the garden of someone who’s struggling or put their bins out, organise a litter pick….. the possibilities are endless. This is a cool site for more ideas including Kindness in our workplaces!!
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Welcome
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Meet Norm…
Have a great week folks, let me know what amazing things you do this week and we can inspire others through sharing your actions – keep safe and remember the principals of KISS.
Keith – The newish boy