Happy New Year, we hope you and yours have enjoyed a fun festive season. 

Hopefully you are keeping warm and safe in this cold weather, as I sit here in West Lothian the snow is coming down and starting to lie.

We are back to work next week and looking forward to a great year with lots of successes for Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.  There is much to be positive about. With an increase in coordinators and ALERT membership comes opportunities to have an even greater impact in our communities. 

You are a vital part of one of the most widespread, citizen led charities in Scotland. Your influence and the social capital you provide makes a huge difference. I don’t think you always appreciate how much you actually do, but we do – thank you!  Our communities are facing challenges, however let’s start highlighting all the positive stuff people are doing, providing hope and challenging what seems at times to be a depressing level of negativity.

It would be great this year to hear more about the things you are doing. You are way too modest! It’s not always about the big stuff, it’s the multitude of little things that make life better for people and should be celebrated.  Sharing also gives ideas and motivation to others.

If you are back to work tomorrow I hope it goes well, otherwise have a brilliant week and thank you so much for all you do.


PS I saw this sign and thought it was apt for all the NHWS Coordinators